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Dipu Unnikrishnan awarded degree by Ansamma John

Dipu Unnikrishnan 是金融硕士(来自英国伦敦)和国际商务硕士(来自美国波士顿); 来自霍特国际商学院。 他专攻区块链、金融科技和地缘战略国际金融。 领先的领域专家曾与他合作进行研究。 他曾作为各种国际商业实体的顾问参与独立项目。 他还是计算机科学与工程技术学士学位的毕业生,主修数据科学与分析。 金融业务建模、长期战略财富管理和威胁分析是他的主要专业领域。 他是印度工程师学会的特许工程师和 AMIE。


他还是“Dipu Unnikrishnan Geo-Financial Group”的创始人和所有者,该集团专注于业务发展、业务威胁检测和管理、财务规划和业务市场扩张战略。



I worked together with Dipu on several projects in Financial Modelling and Portfolio Management. Dipu has been a key player to the project’s success. He is a very charismatic and easy to work with person. He is someone that will definitely go the extra mile and at the key moment he will step up. It was a pleasure working with Dipu and hopefully in the future, I will have another chance. I would definitely recommend Dipu to anyone looking for a key player with aspirations and vision.

Jan Schmidt,

Consultant I Restructuring - M&A BEI Helbling Business Advisors

Frankfurt, Germany

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